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Condi Rice is Here to Pump You Up!

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a woman who meets with princes and prime ministers but never goes a day without exercising. She's learned that it takes work to stay in shape -- both mentally and physically.

"I put in a little gym at my apartment," she said. Rice prefers low-impact exercises, much like George Bush has on health care. "I'm ... a little bit over 50," Rice said with a smile.

Her typical daily routine includes:

1. 10 minutes of Jumping Jacks on the Constitution.

2. 5 minutes of crunching the budget.

3. 10 minutes of spinning lies.

4. 5 minutes of stretching the truth.

5. 10 minutes of running the country into the ground.

6. Finally, her morning meeting with the president otherwise known as 20 minutes with the dumb bell.
